The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
119 lines
LABCOAT.000 Overlay File
LIPID.000 Overlay File
SOURCE.EXE Compressed Turbo Pascal Source Code (self-extracts)
BIRDFACE.COM Graphic Art Subprogram
EVALUATE.COM Lab/Clinic Employee Evaluation Subprogram
EXEC.COM DOS exec. Routine To Call Qchart From Labcoat
LABCOAT.COM Main Program With Menus Calling All Other
.COM & .EXE SubPrograms
LIPID.COM Lipoprotein Phenotype Calculator
RELEASE.DOC This ASCI Letter to SIGs & users.
README-1.DOC General Descriptions of Utility of Programs
README-2.DOC Updates To Topics & File Discussions for 1990
REG.DOC Registration/Communication Form
QCHART.EXE Levy-Jennings Chart to Printer and
Statistical Data Handler - A SubProgram
of LABCOAT - Printer Absolutely Required
1. Extensive Laboratory Test-Cost Analysis - for
manual methods or automated/semi-automated
methods. Four page printouts (optional) for
cost breakdowns and break-even descriptions.
2. A Lipoprotein Calculator & phenotyping reporter
that outputs reports to screen &/or printer.
3. Excellent Moving Average Routine - with user input
of number of periods and screen &/or printer output.
4. Equipment Depreciation Routine - with 3 options for
depreciation type and printed report. (Printer Reqd.)
5. Employee Evaluation Routine - Easy input - screen
&/or printed reports - weighted scoring - originally
designed for Lab / Medical Assistant evaluations.
6. Lab Statistics Program - Formatted Data Input &
Output, with Mean, Median, CV%, Std. Dev., High
Value/Low Value to screen &/or Printer. For
production of monthly Levy-Jennings Control
charts, a subroutine is available (Printer Reqd).
7. A Color-Graphics Art Routine for idle periods.
8. Archived Source Code - for every .COM file on disk.
Just move to an empty disk, type SOURCE, hit Return.
REQUIREMENTS: 256K Memory - Color Graphics - Printer for Reports
REGISTRATION: No Set Fee - Users registering with me may make comments
and suggestions or arrange for limited customizing,
mono versions, S.I. versions and free notification of
updates/bug fixes (see REG.DOC). I'm cheap.
LABCOAT was written as a Clinical Laboratory Helper,
combining routine statistics, computation of moving averages, an
employee evaluation program that's fun, a comprehensive test
cost analysis and break-even analyser, an instrument depreciation
routine, a very complete program to assess cardiovascular risk
status via blood lipid values, and, finally, a little moving art.
The program is not just intended for Laboratory managers;
a lot of it is broadly applicable to many business and scientific
applications. And, to the point, the entire source code is right
on the disk, and anyone using it can boot Turbo Pascal and change
the program to improve it for their own use. So, I'm encouraging
any users to alter the source as they see fit, for their worksite.
The program name and rights to authorize distribution are mine.
The code, as mentioned, was written in Turbo Pascal 3.0 .
I wrote on an IBM PC using PC DOS 2.1, testing report printing on
Okidata 182 (IBM) and Epson FX-85 (Epson). The programs are heavy
on color and should be run that way, but, other than the short
Art routine, a color-graphics card is not required. However, some
users with color graphics cards & mono monitors are going to have
trouble with the color calls - I can and will provide them with
customized versions, if they contact me directly.
I suppose 256K RAM is best for headroom, and 1 5 1/4" floppy
drive is enough. There is a routine called Exec.com that uses DOS
calls. It is a tool from Borland, & shouldn't be troublesome but,
if so, only limits the use of Qchart. I do toggle on Caps Lock and
Num Lock though.
Thus, my guess is that MS DOS and other IBM DOS compatable
operating systems will boot the programs.
Aside from interactive screen displays, the programs do
produce a fair amount of printed material; 11+ pages of various
reports can be generated. For that reason I must say that the
user should have a printer, preferably dot-matrix, to really get
the maximum output. The output was set up using the Epson and
Okidata printers, with a few printer codes called: emphasized
pitch, form feed and a line character for report borders. What
a daisy wheel printer would do with that I don't know. If the
user has a Turbo Compiler, the calls can easily be removed from
the source code (they're flagged), and re-compilation can be done.
Why don't You look at it and tell me what You think?
If you want to realease it, that's fine.
Boot DOS, insert disk, type LABCOAT, and hit Return.